World Plant Sensors Network

This live map shows origins of sensors data

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The feature allows users to share their own and see other users plants' sensor data. Data sharing is supported in the latest Home-Assistant OpenPlantbook Integration.

How it works

For example if you grow Rose in Norway then you will be able to see environment conditions of where these Roses are grown around the world. Moreover, you are not limited to the plants you have, and you will be able to see all users plants sensor’s data which Plantbook have been collected. It will include location (a country and possibly a city) where a particular plant grows bundled with its sensor data.

The motivation for users to share their plant’s sensor data is if you are not sharing anything then you won’t see any sensor data from other users. Displayed information is going to be anonymous and only include approximate location, sensor data and corresponding plant.

Other applications also can be integrated. If you are developer then the documentation on how to implement the feature is here.